We currently have three worship experiences at Newport Center United Methodist Church: in-person and online.

8 AM Service

Our 8 AM Sunday morning service is a quiet, reflective, and slightly less-formal service; it is shorter in length and much smaller in numbers than our second service.

9 AM Online Service

You can watch the worship service on the church our YouTube page

10 AM Service

At 10 AM, we offer a service that has something for everyone. We have Sunday School for children and youth and nursery care for infants. At the main worship service, we have a blend of traditional and modern worship elements. You'll find traditional hymns, sermons with a biblically-relevant message, a choir that can sing everything from Brahms to gospel, and all sorts of other surprises.


If you would like to have your kids participate in our nursery or Sunday School programs, look for our "Children's Ministry" table on the patio where you'll meet our Children's Ministry staff and register your kids for Sunday School. Volunteers will be available to answer your questions and direct you to where you need to go.


On the first Sunday of the month, we partake in Holy Communion at both services. Instructions for how this happens are always printed in our bulletin, and visitors are welcomed to participate or remain in their seats.